Here’s What People Are Saying About
Winter Garden Yoga

*Results may vary from person to person.

LIZ: I knew I had to start taking care of myself

Her health was declining and she was scared she would not be able to enjoy her new life in New York.

Liz recently moved to her dream location, New York City.  

She loves going to the beach, dancing the night away, and going for long walks through the city.  She was so excited about this new life,  but was struggling because she had gained weight, had no energy, and was struggling with climbing up the stairs and her long walks through the city.

She wanted to savor her new life, but the quality of health was keeping her from truly enjoying it.

Liz came to our brick-and-mortar studio many years ago and when she saw we were now offering our services online she immediately reached out to us.

She had gone to other yoga studios and said they were doing a bunch of crazy poses and she could not keep up.  We were the only yoga that she trusted to be safe AND get results.

After starting the Winter Garden Yoga Online program, she noticed she could walk easier with more stamina and less pain, climb upstairs with ease, and eventually do dance moves that she did in her 20s! 

Friends and family who had not seen her in a while said she looked amazing and she was glowing.

Liz said, "Brian and Karen are the only people I trust for safe, quality yoga and my health." 

JUNE: No Pain Gave Her So Much Gain

 My posture changed in about six months since I started at Winter Garden Yoga. And the best part was at my last check-up when my doctor said, ‘You’re not shrinking! You’re doing good.’ I was so excited to hear such great news. Then she asked me, ‘What are you doing?’ I said, ‘I’m doing yoga with Winter Garden Yoga.’ That’s when my doctor said, ‘That’s the best thing!’

Winter Garden Yoga is so different because they care. They care about people. At WGY, there’s no pain. The best thing is that my back is so much better. I was bedridden for three months from lifting weights.

No more weights. My yoga hour is mine. Every time I hear about somebody who needs help, I tell them about it Winter Garden Yoga Oline. But they always have an excuse. To that I say, ‘Don’t let anything stop you, because it will be the best decision you’ve ever made.’

NELL: Winter Garden yoga online Makes her feel safe and confident

I really wondered if this was "safe" and if my "strength" would improve. 

After working with Brian once a week virtually for strength training and two online yoga classes a week, I went from not being able to get something out of a cabinet, washing the dishes with pain, and losing my balance putting on my pants.

To being able to lift my arms up overhead to get dishes out of the cabinet, put pants on without losing balance, and wash my dishes without pain.
I know this may not seem like a big deal, but it is HUGE for me! 
My back muscles are stronger. I’m more flexible and my balance has improved beyond my expectations.
The benefits keep coming. I feel welcomed and accepted by Winter Garden Yoga Online. I feel so much encouragement. I feel peaceful and calm.

Positive words are so important for improving my confidence. At Winter Garden Yoga, I always hear phrases such as, “don’t push to pain,” “your technique is more important than how deep the pose,” and “pat yourself on the back for showing up to yoga.” I have a better outlook on life because of Winter Garden Yoga Online.

I’m so thankful for Brian and Karen! 

LINDA: Winter Garden Yoga’s ‘No Pain’ Philosophy Caught Her Eye

At first, it was Winter Garden Yoga’s philosophy of ‘no pain’ and ‘beginners are experts’ that caught my eye. I admit I had never been interested in yoga before. I always thought it was too slow and not enough cardio for me. I scheduled a class and I began my new yoga journey. I was hooked! I then became a VIP and never looked back. The studio made me feel like I am a real part of the community.

Since I started yoga, I have noticed that there are many areas of my body that have firmed up. My joint and hip pain has decreased. The big surprise is how flexible I have become even at my age. All the yoga poses are always explained and demonstrated in-depth. I appreciate the time and effort the instructors take to ensure that everyone fully gets it.

Try Winter Garden Yoga Online. You will not regret the decision. With WGY you will never just be another client. You will be a part of the WGY family. I look forward to every yoga class! 

BOBBIE: She Is Now More Positive About Dealing with Life

There are so many benefits I’m feeling as a result of sticking to my commitment to a regular yoga practice. I am more toned. I had back issues from a car accident years ago and I no longer have that pain in my lower back. I am more positive about dealing with life.

But there’s more: WGY has taught me to live in the moment, which is definitely the remedy for my depression and anxiety. I have learned so much that goes along with each yoga pose. I live a more content and peaceful life. I thank Brian and Karen for that Winter Garden Yoga because they have made such a positive impact on my life. They teach me something new each time I come to the mat. I also feel like I have made great friendships at WGY. I have formed relationships here that have changed my life.

Here’s my message to anybody who’s thinking of trying WGY: ‘Get off the fence! WGY has truly changed my body, mind, and spirit. It has been a beautiful journey and I look forward to the future. Learn to put yourself first for a change. You will be so thankful you did!’

BERNYE: Winter Garden Yoga Makes Her Stronger Inside and Out

Every time I take a class with Winter Garden Yoga, I get stronger. Winter Garden Yoga is a part of my life. It’s been a godsend for me, a miracle.

I really like the instructors at WGY because they are very in tune with their students and they are in tune with helping people. I’ve taken lots of other yoga classes before and I didn’t find that. That was not where the instructors were coming from. They were into the poses, but they weren’t interested in me personally. At Winter Garden Yoga, none of the instructors belittled me for coming out of a pose when I needed a break. Their emphasis is always on how the pose feels instead of how the pose looks.

I would recommend anyone to try  Winter Garden Yoga Online. Give it a chance because I think you’ll find it’s exactly what you’re looking for. I thought I’d never be free of the pins and needles running down my left leg and they are gone. Winter Garden Yoga truly changed my life.

SUSAN: She Gained the Strength to Stop Her Migraine Headaches

I made the commitment to feeling healthier, then I went online and did some research for  yoga where I could find instructors who would take the time to explain the moves and poses.  I didn’t want to do yoga that expected participants to know everything walking in the first time. 

The benefits have been so many. I’ve been a life-long migraine sufferer, and since joining WGY I’ve learned how to work my muscles and joints to help relieve the stress that triggers my headaches. My posture has really improved. I find myself standing more upright with my shoulders down instead of pulled up toward my ears. I’m sleeping better, too!

What do I like most about WGY?

Brian and karen, without a doubt. They truly care about the students, and they make sure we are all in a good place mentally and physically when we’re in class. There is no judgment nor criticism, just great people helping others to learn how to be healthy in a safe way.

No matter what frame of mind I’m in when I take a yoga class, I always feel great when I fininsh. So, jump over to the WGY side. It took me a while to get there myself, but I’m so glad I did. I feel stronger, healthier, and more knowledgeable about how to work with my own body to stay that way. Winter Garden Yoga is awesome!

MARCELLA: Thanks to WGY, She’s Running Again

My acupuncturist told me that the instructors at Winter Garden Yoga taught yoga that focused on technique. I was told they would take the time to help make sure I did the poses correctly so my body posture would improve, my muscles would strengthen, and I would have a good chance of returning to the full physical capabilities I had in the past.

They were right! I am walking up to two miles a day again. I can run six blocks in the rain. My hips are opening. I feel stronger and the time I now spend dealing with pain is minimal.

I like everything about Winter Garden Yoga. Brian and Karen are so helpful and show an interest in me as well as everyone else. I was pleasantly surprised to receive emails and phone calls from Karen checking in on my progress.

When you join WGY, you get a family of professionals who care about you and your health. Plus, you get a full package deal as a VIP of Winter Garden Yoga! So, you have nothing to lose. Try it out!

MARTY: Yoga Gives Her Mental and Physical Strength Every Time

I really enjoy the mental and physical strength I gain each time I take class. Brian and Karen are never on auto-pilot and are always coming up with new and interesting poses and tips on how to gain more flexibility and strength.

Those are two things I like best about Winter Garden Yoga. I also like the messages – ‘never push to pain,’ ‘breathe,’ and ‘meditate to feel safe, secure, and happy.’ They always remind you that each time you practice yoga it can be different because our bodies are feeling different every day.

Oh, and one more thing: give their classes a try!  You can practice and learn at your own pace and you will never feel you have to keep up with anyone. You only need to please yourself to meet your goals.

SANDRA: The Gym Didn’t Work for Her, But Winter Garden Yoga Did

I had been going to a big box gym for several years and met with a trainer once per week. I spent a lot of money on training sessions and I was getting the opposite results that I was looking for. When I saw this happening, I realized I was throwing my money away. So, I decided to search for a yoga studio in the area. I wanted to do lower impact exercise that incorporated more stretching.

That’s when I found Winter Garden Yoga. Although I was a little nervous during my first class, it was such a positive experience that I knew this was exactly where I wanted to be. I signed up for a membership right away and started taking classes twice per week. Within a couple of weeks, I was no longer taking Advil or Aleve every day for my neck, back, and shoulder pain. I sleep great at night and I can move my neck without pain. My knees no longer hurt, and I can walk upstairs without holding onto the rail. Even the upper back/shoulder pain that I had for years was gone. I am amazed!

Feeling good affects every aspect of your life, and I’m much happier and have a better outlook on life now because my stress level is lower. I can take longer walks and chase my dog up and down the stairs when we are playing.

I can have a very stressful day at work and after a yoga class, I feel completely centered, calm, and ready for the next day. Brian and Karen truly care about every person. They want to make sure I’m reaching the goals that I have set for myself, so they check in to see how I’m doing and offer help in any way they can. 

I’m so happy I made the investment in myself, my health, and my future. Give Winter Garden Yoga a try. Believe in yourself and know that you can do this.


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